I have never been one who has been good at waiting patiently - for anything. Like much of today's society, my life has been marked by getting whatever it is I want at exactly that time which I want it. I can't tell you how many times, even in my new life as a follower of Christ, impatience has gotten the better of me - and in many ways continues to. I prove my impatience by occasional sadness or anger over my current situation. Also though focusing on my desire to do the "big things" for God's Kingdom while passing up on doing the "little things" which God puts in my path to provide me with needed spiritual training.
How much more I could have done for God and His people had I simply opened my eyes to opportunities to serve Him during my periods of waiting. How many hurting people could I have comforted? How many people searching to feel loved could I have displayed God's love to? How many lost souls could God have impacted through me if only I was more patient, less complaining, and more focused on His will rather than mine. Impatience with where God has me at this moment is surely a sign of pride, lack of trust, and a desire that my will be done rather than His. Not getting exactly what we want at this very moment is surely not a legitimate excuse for inaction.
I have to continually remind myself that truly trusting the Lord through faith means having a certain contentment with where He has me right now. This contentment does not mean a complacency about the areas where I need spiritual growth...but it is a realization that I am where God has me, that I can impact others for Him right where I am, and this period of waiting may very well be God telling me that I am just not ready for that next step yet. That He has more work that He needs to complete in me before I am ready for whatever it is I am waiting for...
Whether we find ourselves impatient in our desire for a better marriage, greater opportunities to serve the Lord in the area where we feel called, for better health or whatever the case may be, God may simply be telling us to open our eyes, look around and serve Him right where we are at. Only then may we find our relationships restored, opportunities to pursue our calling presented to us or our prayers answered in all of those areas we desire change.
Finally, part of patiently waiting is believing that God can accomplish all things (Mt 19:26), expectantly hoping that He will answer answer our prayers (2 Cor 4:16-18; Rom 10:12), and trusting that He will give us whatever strength we need (Is 40:28-31). In whatever circumstances you find yourself waiting, do it with confidence that God loves you and promises to meet your needs (Phil 4:19), to not allow you to be overtaken by temptation (1 Cor 10:13), to work all things for the good of those who love Him (Rom 8:28), and that we will have eternal life with Him through His Son Jesus (Jn 10:27-28; 1 Cor 6:14).
Your hope as a believer is in the Lord. He causes all things in your life (including problems and trials) to work together for good as you continually respond in love (demonstrated through obedience) to Him. Out of the hope that God provides, your faith and love can be biblically expressed in any situation. Understanding and responding biblically to problems glorifies God while He further conforms you to the image of Jesus Christ.
The hope that God has provided for you is not merely a wish. Neither is it dependent on other people, possessions, or circumstances for its validity. Instead, biblical hope is an application of your faith that supplies a confident expectation in God’s fulfillment of His promises. Coupled with faith and love, hope is part of the abiding characteristics in a believer’s life.
-Biblical Counseling Foundation
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